Watching Sheep is an interspecies collaboration with the five sheep that are brought to Governor’s Island in the New York Harbor every summer, where they help mitigate unwanted species such as mugwort. I brought individual human participants into the sheep paddock and shepherded them through 30-minute, individualized sheep-watching sessions, which involved actions, objects, and rituals I designed to facilitate a state of heightened attention directed towards the sheep.

I produced an instructional zine for the project while a resident with Allowing Many Forms. Participants read the zine before entering the sheep paddock for their session.
This project would not have been possible without the generosity and labor of both sheep and human accomplices. Special thanks to: Anitra Lourie, Bowie, Chad, Evening, Joanna Zhang, Jupiter, Kim Tateo, Malcom Gore, Nick Dispensa, Leo Frampton, Phillip Aries, Rafe Scobey-Thal, and Taylor Zanke